We receive a lot of questions about distillation column packing. Must I use it, what are the advantages, how much must I use, how do I install it, how do I clean it, and how long does it last…..
In this blog I will cover the two most common packing materials, copper mesh and ceramic Raschig rings. Note that you would not use either of these types of packing in a flute column because the flute column uses copper bubble plates, which eliminates the need for any other type of column packing thus for “normal” reflux columns.
Copper Mesh or Ceramic Raschig Rings?
This is a matter of preference as well as what you’re distilling in your still. Copper mesh is available and affordable whereas Raschig rings are more expensive and not readably available to the home/craft distiller.
Available from LIKKER TECH
COPPER MESH is great for reflux distilling, plus the copper reacts with the sulfur compounds formed during fermentation.
So, the copper helps to eliminate these sulfur compounds from your distillate, which is important when you’re distilling beverage-grade alcohol in a reflux still.
The downside to copper mesh is that it does have a shelf life and you will need to replace it from time to time. You also need to clean it regularly with vinegar.
This is the stuff that your vapor passes through, so if you want a clean distillate, you’ll want to use clean column packing. Keep it clean and when it cant be cleaned anymore, replace it.
CERAMIC RASCHIG RINGS are also great for all reflux-type distillation. Raschig Rings are overall better for distilling things like water and essential oils, which require more of an inert type of packing. Unlike with copper mesh, you don’t have to worry about packing the column too tightly, which can cause choking. Choking is when there’s not enough room for the vapor to rise and the refluxing liquid to descend in the column. The ceramic also possesses a greater surface area because of its porous nature, so that combined with the Raschig Rings’ incapacity to cause choking can make it easier to attain higher purity distillate than the copper mesh. Raschig Rings are also easy to clean because you can just use some equipment cleaner—plus, they pretty much last forever. Well, at least until you lose them.
However, Raschig Rings aren’t without their disadvantages either. You’ll need to use them in a distillation column that has a way to hold them in place, such as a screen at the bottom of the lower column portion, so they don’t just fall straight through. This is true for any type of loose column packing, so if you do want to go with Raschig Rings, make sure your distillation column is equipped for it.
For a standard-sized column (2” diameter), expect to use about 1 to 1 ½ kg of copper mesh (approx. 30ft.).
For a high-capacity column (3” diameter), you’ll need 3-4 kg of copper mesh depending on how tightly you wrap it.
Visit LIKKE TECH online store for Copper Mech
For a standard-sized column, you’ll need 1 ½ L of Raschig Rings.
For a high-capacity column, you’ll want to have 5 L of Raschig Rings.
Absolutely! The best way to do this is to put Raschig Rings in the column first and then cut up some little pieces of your copper mesh and put them in and around the cooling lines. If you do combine them, remember that Raschig Rings are heavy: If you put your copper mesh in first and THEN the Raschig Rings, it will completely block your column!
NOTE: Put your Raschig Rings in first and copper at the top.
Bela Bela Limpopo
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In several countries it is illegal to distill or ferment alcoholic beverages at home. Please comply to the laws regarding distilling and fermentation of alcoholic beverages of your country.
In South Africa, you may own a still and produce alcohol at home for own use after obtaining a permit.
Take note; that you are solely responsible to use any equipment, services or knowledge acquired from us, in a legal manner. Please acquaint yourself with the various laws and regulations regarding the use of distilling equipment and the manufacturing of alcoholic products in your country. You may not hold LIKKER TECH, its office bearers and/or personnel liable for any action following the illegal use of equipment, items or knowledge acquired from LIKKER TECH.