This is a simple rum recipe that will win the blind taste test up against the top-rated bottles of rum that you find on the liquor store shelf. Nothing on the shelf can beat a handcrafted small batch rum recipe
Fermentation Bucket with Lid and Air Lock
Large Spoon
Large stock pot or brewing pot
Heat up 7,5liter of water to boiling then slowly mix in sugar until dissolved then add 250ml honey. After sugar is dissolved then add molasses then top off to 24liters. Move contents into a fermenter. When temperature is under 26⁰C and over 21⁰C add the yeast. Stir in the yeast and save a little to sprinkle over the top.
Put the lid and air lock on and let sit for 24 hours then mix for several minutes then put the lid and airlock back on and let it sit for 8 days. Keep at between 20⁰C-24⁰C for optimal fermentation. After fermentation is complete place the fermenter on a countertop and siphon the wash out from the top of the fermenter through a strainer with cheesecloth into another clean bucket. Leave the heavy sediment on the bottom so don’t siphon this out. Then siphon filtering through cheesecloth one more time, then the wash will be ready to distill.
We suggest using a pot still to distill your rum. Pot stills will carry over flavor. Run the still real slow at about 70-80%ABV to get a clean rum spirit. Depending on the still design some distilleries will run the rum recipe through a stripping run then through a final spirit run at 80%ABV.
Now that you’ve created a great spirit, check out the Coconut Rum Recipe…
Bela Bela Limpopo
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Legal Notice
In several countries it is illegal to distill or ferment alcoholic beverages at home. Please comply to the laws regarding distilling and fermentation of alcoholic beverages of your country.
In South Africa, you may own a still and produce alcohol at home for own use after obtaining a permit.
Take note; that you are solely responsible to use any equipment, services or knowledge acquired from us, in a legal manner. Please acquaint yourself with the various laws and regulations regarding the use of distilling equipment and the manufacturing of alcoholic products in your country. You may not hold LIKKER TECH, its office bearers and/or personnel liable for any action following the illegal use of equipment, items or knowledge acquired from LIKKER TECH.