First make a homemade rum by following our rum recipe on our Simple Rum Recipe. After following the rum recipe and making a rum then follow the directions below on how to make a coconut rum. This is coconut rum recipe to make a 1l mason jar of coconut rum.
Drill a hole in the end of the coconut and drain water into a container. The coconut water can be filtered through a coffee filter and chilled to be enjoyed later as is. We won’t be using the coconut water for this recipe.
After the coconuts are drained then put them in the oven for 15 minutes at 150⁰C. Then remove coconuts from the oven and let sit until the coconuts cool to room temperature. This will cause the coconuts to get brittle and make it easy to break them to ultimately get all the white raw coconut meat. Break the shells off the coconuts using a hammer and use a vegetable peeler or grader to get the brown skin off so what is left is raw white coconut meat. Wash the coconut meat to remove any dirt or particles from breaking the shells.
Put the coconut meat in a food processer or blender or you can use a cheese grader. Chop / blend the coconut up into small pieces finely graded. Put this in a bowl ready for later use.
Put 2 cups (500ml) of water in a pot on the stove and turn on the heat to bring up to a boil. Add 1.5 cups (350g) of sugar stirring continuously so it does not caramelize. After sugar is dissolved then turn heat to a simmer and add 2 cups or more of the raw white coconut meat that has been finely graded. Let this mixture simmer for 3 minutes stirring continuously so nothing sticks and burns to the bottom.
Take this mixture of sugar, water and coconut meat and fill two of the one litre mason jars 1/3rd to 1/2 full. Top off with white rum then put on the lid and this mixture will stay macerating or soaking for 3 weeks. Shake the jar at least once a day for three weeks. Keep in a cool dark place.
After three weeks of this mixture soaking then strain through cheesecloth or fine strainer into a mason jar. Keep in the refrigerator ready to enjoy.
Bela Bela Limpopo
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In several countries it is illegal to distill or ferment alcoholic beverages at home. Please comply to the laws regarding distilling and fermentation of alcoholic beverages of your country.
In South Africa, you may own a still and produce alcohol at home for own use after obtaining a permit.
Take note; that you are solely responsible to use any equipment, services or knowledge acquired from us, in a legal manner. Please acquaint yourself with the various laws and regulations regarding the use of distilling equipment and the manufacturing of alcoholic products in your country. You may not hold LIKKER TECH, its office bearers and/or personnel liable for any action following the illegal use of equipment, items or knowledge acquired from LIKKER TECH.